Huwebes, Mayo 28, 2015

Fake friends aren’t friends but do smile

Whether it’s beginning a new diet, a new job or going back to school, the people you may count on the most may show you a less than supportive side. No matter what these fake friends say, they are not your friends. They are people who came into your life to compete with you and drag you back, so they can move forward feeling good when they compare themselves to you.
These fake friends are not afraid of your success. They are afraid that your success will make them look like a failure. They are self-centered so they cannot think very far past themselves. You may have experienced this with diets, financial plans, and even moving. Those most afraid of failing will be the worst with your potential success.
Let’s say, for example, that you decide to get your budget under control. The behaviors you enlist to accomplish this goal may terrify your deeply in debt fake friend. Since they cannot admit this, your fake friend may talk about how cheap you are because you no longer want to go out to dinner, or they may say in front of you and others that you have changed and have become more self-centered. You being sensitive may misread this, and begin to reflect on it. This is where the fake friend does the most damage. They want to influence you in a manner where you believe them and doubt yourself. It may be difficult not to, because you are thinking, “Well, they are my friend.” Stop the thought process there…they are NOT your friend. They are your saboteur.
When you identify your saboteur or fake friend, it is important that you know how to deal with them, without sacrificing your goals. Below are suggestions, but my first and most highly recommended suggestion is to be upfront and direct about what you are seeing. A fake friend is just that, whether you sleep with them or only see them once a week for coffee. They need to know you do not appreciate their behavior and you see it clearly.
1.      If the friend is only an occasional friend or person you deal with, cutting off communication during your working toward your goal may be wise. If your saboteur is a family member, this may be impossible, but otherwise, since they aren’t a real friend anyway, I would let them go.
2.      State your goals clearly to your supportive friends, and have them with you whenever you are engaged with these family members or fake friends you cannot cut out of your life. That way, your supportive friends can help support your mission in the midst of naysayers.
3.      Minimize the amount of focus you give your goals when in the presence of fake friends. Since fake friends focus on their own goals and needs, they won’t miss what you don’t bring up.
4.      Become more comfortable being alone. Having fake friends drains a lot of energy. Save that energy you give away to fake friends to accomplish more of what you want to in life.
In order to become the best version of ourselves, we need to set goals. Real friends support our goals and want the best for us. If you set a goal and notice others trying to dissuade you or make you feel less fun, less worthwhile, or shamed in any way, that is a red flag the person you thought was a friend is terrified of their failure if you succeed. Gently back away and leave the room.

Biyernes, Mayo 22, 2015

The Student

The Student

Buzz, Buzz,
still tiered eyes open,
She walks down stairs, packs up, and gets on the bus,
She stares out the window wishing to spend the day there and not at a desk.
7 FULL HOURS of of unempathetic teachers,
they give her 6 more hours of school work to do at home.
No one cares!

The homework starts on the bus and she's lucky to have it done by 10PM. 
Finely, she gets to go to bed,
But all she does is stare at the sealing with the overhanging stress of the work she didn't finish combined with the work her unrelenting teachers will give her tomorrow.

It happens each day,  
It's beyond her control,
she tells teachers and friends but they spit in her face telling her they don't care.
It won't change.

Luckily, she has her head on strait,
and while she trudges through the mud she stays strong,
knowing that everything is going to work out.
So she tells herself just wait.



Exams are near, so terrifying,
thinking of them, sends me crying!
What to do, so much am trying,
But naturally, it is petrifying...!

Syllabus is not complete,
My B.P is directly proportional to my heart beat...
My hands pick up the various sweets,
Stress-Eating, wanna have a treat?!

My tension is that am not studying,
My family is not pushing...
I need someone for motivating,
But everyone is busily buzzing...!

I am trying hard to learn,
But what if I  earn...
Instead of a smile, a glare so stern,
Enough to make me shiver and turn...

Exams are such a complication,
It gives all the students so much tension...
It might result in ascension,
or a life-time suspension...

God, am so exasperated,
please accept the prayers created...
Please guide me to study and be elevated,
So that I might thank you and be respected!

Fake Words

God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.

Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.

Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.

Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.

Teacher, Shall I Write a Sonnet?

Teacher, shall I write a sonnet? Must I?
When I’m not so sure of my poetry…
Shall I write a poem of fourteen lines?
In iambic pentameter –by me?

What shall I write about? What can I say?
In this sonnet which I must jot down now?
My sonnet should be about what today?
To write a great sonnet I’m not sure how…

Teacher, can I write this sonnet later
For I’m not sure of what to write about?
The teacher then takes my simple paper
And “you already did.” my teacher shouts.

‘Detention’ my teacher says, ‘for lying,’
‘But thank you,’ she adds, ‘for at least trying.’

 © Mariam Mababaya.


Walking forward but still in the same place.

Moving quickly but still stuck in a small space.

Success seems so close but something I never taste.

Time continues but all efforts go to waste.

Reaching for goals in this strenuous race.

Going on hopelessly in this never ending chase.

Moving faster trying desperately to pick up the pace.

The monotony of struggle slapping me in the face.

Thinking of my future but all I see is a lost case.

On Teachers Evaluation

Courses need to be continuously monitored, reviewed and renewed to ensure the teaching (including the teaching and learning activities and the assessment) and course (objectives, learning outcomes and contents) quality are up-to-standards and up-to-date. This is the core duty of any teacher regardless of being a new or an experienced staff.
Evaluating teachers’ own teaching is a way to identify the strong aspects of their practice, as well as their weaknesses which may need to be changed and improved. Teachers should take initiatives and responsibility to evaluate their teaching and make improvements over time. It is important to understand that evaluating your teaching does not mean you are a bad teacher, in fact, it means quite the opposite.
A good teacher teaches and learns.
You could be the best teacher with the best course materials, course activities, learning outcomes and assessments. But as time changes, course needs to revise to suit the needs of the society, the employers and the diversity of students. A good teacher will take in criticism, initiate evaluation and learn from their students.

College Life, an Exaggeration

"Like OMG!! college is the bestestestttt 4 years of your life. Like no other years in life will match your college years. Like you meet so many different people and like you meet your bestest friends forever here!"

Now obviously this is exaggerated. I would hope no one defends college with that exact claim. But on to my question. What are your opinions on college? Do you think it's overrated? DO you think it's a nice experience? What? And I BEG of all of you to refrain from the "college is what you make of it" comments. We know that. Anything in life is what you make of it so singling out college as "what you make of it" is kinda silly.

Edit: Not to be mean or anything, but can incoming freshman refrain from posting "what they think college is going to be like" here? I don't mind you posting here but there's nothing more annoying than incoming freshman who think they know all and then when they get to college and see how different it is they want to run here and fill the forums with "It's been a week and still made no friends!!!" threads.

For me, I think college is nice. You meet different people, you hear different views/opinions. You have people who come from different walks of life and it's nice to see that everyone has a different story to tell. Furthermore, some of the courses you take are interesting. However, I do think certain aspects are over-hyped. Though we probably meet "interesting" people, you can meet interesting people during later and other stages in life. You can meet your "best friends for life" during later stages in life as well (i.e. I remember reading from a user here named "williamsdad" stating that he didn't meet his best friend in either high school or college but some other stage in his life -- I forgot where though).

Aside from this, I wouldn't want college to be the "best 4 years of my life." I wouldn't want my best 4 years of my life to have been achieved by the young age of 21. Also, I think I should make every year to be the best year of my life and forget the hype about particular years. I just feel hyping certain years is a recipe for unnecessary disappointment.

So all in all, I would say college is nice. I wouldn't say and wouldn't want these to be my best 4 years of my life, but I certainly think my college years would be some of my memorable years.